A bulging goody bag in this miscellany, we have some really nice offers ... free stand space at MWC 2014 and Apps World, free and discounted tickets to Droidcon and Apps World, a marvellous free infographic on the App ecosystem from Vision Mobile ... and more ...
What happened at Demo Night
Talking of bulging, Demo Night was packed out again, and we had an absolutely wonderful line-up from across the mobile spectrum. Many thanks to those brave demoers, our volunteers and everyone who attended - check out the blog.
VisionMobile Enterprise App Developer Atlas
I guess we're used to the excellent quality of information and presentation from the folks over at Vision Mobile, but they have surpassed themselves this time, I think, with this marvellous 'State of the Apps Nation' infographic.
Apps World, 22nd October - Discount Code, Free Stand Offer, Mobile Monday Drinks and Open Session from The Mobile Academy
Rebels that we are, we've decided to do a Tuesday event! There will be a Mobile Monday London drinks reception from 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm on Tuesday 22nd Oct, followed by a free Open Session from The Mobile Academy featuring Tim Green tutoring on Mobile Payments and Bruce Lawson on HTML5 - rebels to the last we bring you HTML5 at an app conference.
Apps World is at Earls Court, 22nd-23rd October - 2 days of engagement and debate around the app ecosystem with Steve Wozniak as the keynote. Conference tickets are 25% off with discount code MOMO25, here.
Apps World is also giving away free stands to a select number of start-ups at this year’s show. Find out more and apply here.
Access to the exhibition, Mobile Monday London drinks reception and The Mobile Academy Open Session are all free.
MWC 2014, Barcelona, Free Stand Offer from ICT KTN and UKTI
We're working with our friends over at ICT KTN and UKTI again this year to host the finals of the competition for free stand space (on the UK's own stand) at Mobile World Congress 2014. It probably goes without saying that previous winners from our community have found this fantastically valuable. The finals will be held on 4th Nov. You have until 5pm on 25th Oct to apply. You'll find the information nestling half way down the page here. [Be warned, it does take a little while to load ... so be patient]
#needtoknowmobile with The Mobile Academy
Do you need to know or do you have something to share? We have started a new hashtag with our little sister, @Moblacad. Given the communitarians that we are, we want to invite you all to use the hashtag #needtoknowmobile when you tweet with useful advice and information for the community (I guess we should be clear, on the subject of mobile, that is).
To celebrate the run up to our 3rd The Mobile Academy, we have been blogging and tweeting with a series of wisdom from tutors that you can catch here.
Remember our next programme starts on 1st October - LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY!— so if you want to get up to speed with the business, design and how to work with technology from the industry pros and a CPD certificate from UCL and Mobile Monday London. Sign up here.
All participants will also get a free tickets to Droidcon and an insider tour of Lastminute.com offices with their Head of Mobile to see agile in practice. Enter "momolo" for a final week offer of 10% off.
Droidcon, 24th - 27th October, Discounts, Free Tickets and Open Session from The Mobile Academy
Droidcon is back again. This year it is all about wearable, be prepared to see the most dazzling array of devices ... more information here. Our friends at Droidcon have once again kindly given us a discount code: "DROIDCON-2013" that will give you 25% off.
We have also been offered 2 free tickets - all you need to do is complete this tweet: "I want to come to @droidconuk thanks to @MoMoLondon so that .... "
We will also be holding an Open Session of our academy, 6.30pm - 9.00 pm if you want to drop in and get some Android and iOs education with Kieran Gutteridge and Viji Pathy - What? iOS at Droidcon? Rebels through and through.
See you at Over the Air, Friday and Saturday this week
I'm looking forward to this year's OTA up at Bletchley Park we'll all be there in force and the wonderful Julia Shalet will be doing a taster session for this Autumn's The Mobile Academy there, so make sure you don't miss that!
See you Friday ...
25 Sept 2013
16 Sept 2013
What happened at Demo Night, Sept 2013
We celebrated the end of the Summer with Demo Night - where we invited the community to apply for one of ten opportunities to show their wares. It was a tough decision, but we got there in the end, with a diverse mix that kept the audience rooted to their seats!
So much thanks to give:
- Event partners, ICT KTN and The Mobile Academy
- Volunteers, in particular @elaine_finn for writing the blog and @AlexiaPRGal for keeping us on time
- Fiona Jarvis from Blue Badge Style and Damaris Homo from Connecthings for telling us about some fruitful connections resulting from their presentations at our last Demo Night
- The large number of tutors and alumni of The Mobile Academy who were there to answer questions about our next 10 week evening programme (which starts 1st October)

There was a packed room for Demo Night to kick start the Autumn season.
In a break with the usual running order, announcements came first this time:
- Over The Air, 27th - 28th September needs a sponsor to release more tickets - contact @MobileMaggie if you can help!
- Win a stand at Mobile World Congress 2014 - courtesy of ICT KTN and UKTI! Details are here. Deadline: 5pm 25th October 2013. Finalist event is at Mobile Monday London on 4th November.
- Discounts for businesses who want to send participants to The Mobile Academy: discount code "momolo" book here.
And so to the 10 demo-ers who succeeded in informing, entertaining and dazzling everyone with their Mobile App offerings. The rules were 3 mins each, with a couple of mins Q&A - no exceptions...
First to start was Tom Wood, MD of Kudan, @KudanAR - an Augmented Reality Agency 'that doesn't do gimmicks' who then went on to show a rather gimmicky presentation (by his own admission) including a sample of the incredible work they've been doing for Audi..
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Ian Masters |
Terence Eden, @edent from Telefonica then showed us Blipdrop - 'an experiment in ephemeral media' - it is an App powered by O2's The Lab. The idea is that instead video's lasting 'forever' on the web, you can post a video that lasts for a snapshot in time and is only accessible to someone (in fact 'anyone' from Facebook/LinkedIn communities) within close proximity of where the video was taken - who needs a big TV budget now?
Edward O’Brien from InfoApp Manager @AppQuik explained his mobile app platform called AppQuick, that is a drag and drop platform sitting inside SharePoint. Due to its technological efficiencies, it aims to reduce enterprise customers costs by 30%.
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Robyn Exton |
Next up was Owen Day, with JustRide from Masabi, @Masabi_com. Owen presented his JustRide App that enables travel service providers to purchase and display tickets on their smartphones. They're currently rolled out in Boston, San Diego and New York and Owen unashamedly did a shout out for resource whilst doing a live ticket-purchase demo. And a quick nod to the power of MoMoLo, as the CEO met both employees (including Owen) and investors whilst presenting at a Demo Night 5 years previous.
The energetic Holly Clarke demo'd Yaarly, @YarrlyApp, (made in her bedroom) quirky remixable photo app. When asked what her revenue model was, she responded that she'd just started a role at Airbnb ... the great insight from Holly was that rather than block users for uploading inappropriate content, they just break the App for that individual user so that they just think it is broken and cease use. Great idea!
Then we welcomed Richard Russell, founder of Wlcome, @wlcomeapp, from High Street Labs. It is a virtual loyalty and reward card, using the latest geo-fencing technology that you don't have to install - so security issues hopefully addressed!
Jon Mundy, @jonmundy, Head of Commercial Development for Zapp360, a solution to the poor results arising from advertisers and publishers shoe-horning web-based advertising onto mobile devices. His App creates a 130 character banner that subtly moves across the mobile page, creating a more mobile -friendly user experience, and is generating some impressive click rates.
And finally, Priya Prakash, the founder of @Changify, presented her innovative crowd-funding platform that seeks to use community resources to fix community challenges, to change the face of neighbourhoods as neighbours come together to fix local issues.
The evening rounded off with networking drinks and a chance for the attendees to chat further with presenters and play around with their Apps.
An engaging, informative, entertaining and thought-provoking night all round.
Thanks Elaine!
Remember to get your application in for the MWC Stand Competition and make sure to register for The Mobile Academy ...
3 Sept 2013
Mobile Miscellany, 3 Sep 2013, Next Event Demo Night 9 Sep, Demoers Announced! Compos, promos and more ...
In this Miscellany, Demoers for the 9th Sept, next Monday, announced! Registration to attend is open and there are are still some spaces, but hurry! The Mobile Academy has bursaries available for 8 places, get in there quick! Fancy the opportunity for up to $500,000? Check out the Mobile Monday Momentum Accelerator.
Well, for those of us that this affects, school holidays are nearly over - but never mind, the summer seems still to be with us. Hoping that everyone who had the time to take one had a good break, here at MoMoLo Towers we're kicking off the Autumn Season with the ever popular Demo Night.
Demo Night, Monday 9th Sept
Ta-da! In partnership with the lovely people at ICT KTN, we are pleased to announce the line up of Demos:
Yarrly Yarrly
Telefonica BlipDrop
Dattch Dattch
Design for Social Change Changify
Plant Pot Finger Hoola
Masabi JustRide
Wlcome, Wlcome
Zapp360 Zapp360
Plus, we've invited Fiona from Blue Badge Style and Damaris from Connecthings to come back and tell their stories since they appeared at Demo Night in January 2013.
As usual we are expecting a very lively evening in which we see once again the eclectic variety of what's going on in the Mobile Monday London community. Registration is open, still some spaces left ...
The Mobile Academy
Also at this demo night find out about The Mobile Academy from alumni and tutors who will be available beforehand and during the reception to answer any questions. Our third programme runs on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 1st Oct - 3rd Dec.
This is the 10 week evening CPD programme we host with UCL, where we have expert industry tutors delivering sessions across business, design and how to work with technology.
Apply for free places!
We have 8 bursary places up for grabs thanks to the ICT KTN: Apply by 9th Sept: http://themobileacademy.org.uk/8-bursaries-available-thanks-to-ict-ktn/
22nd October - Mobile Monday Drinks, The Mobile Academy Open House & 25% off tickets to Apps World
Apps World at Earls Court is 22nd-23rd October - 2 days of engagement and debate around the app ecosystem with 8000+attendees , 250+ exhibitors and Steve Wozniak as the keynote.
Conference tickets are 25% off with discount code MOMO25 http://www.apps-world.net/europe
It may be a Tuesday, but there will be a Mobile Monday London drinks reception from 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm on the 22nd, followed by an Open Session at The Mobile Academy featuring Tim Green tutoring on Mobile Payments and Bruce Lawson on HTML5 (what else?!)
Well, for those of us that this affects, school holidays are nearly over - but never mind, the summer seems still to be with us. Hoping that everyone who had the time to take one had a good break, here at MoMoLo Towers we're kicking off the Autumn Season with the ever popular Demo Night.
Demo Night, Monday 9th Sept
Ta-da! In partnership with the lovely people at ICT KTN, we are pleased to announce the line up of Demos:
Yarrly Yarrly
Telefonica BlipDrop
Dattch Dattch
Design for Social Change Changify
Plant Pot Finger Hoola
Masabi JustRide
Wlcome, Wlcome
Zapp360 Zapp360
Plus, we've invited Fiona from Blue Badge Style and Damaris from Connecthings to come back and tell their stories since they appeared at Demo Night in January 2013.
As usual we are expecting a very lively evening in which we see once again the eclectic variety of what's going on in the Mobile Monday London community. Registration is open, still some spaces left ...
The Mobile Academy
Also at this demo night find out about The Mobile Academy from alumni and tutors who will be available beforehand and during the reception to answer any questions. Our third programme runs on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 1st Oct - 3rd Dec.
This is the 10 week evening CPD programme we host with UCL, where we have expert industry tutors delivering sessions across business, design and how to work with technology.
Apply for free places!
We have 8 bursary places up for grabs thanks to the ICT KTN: Apply by 9th Sept: http://themobileacademy.org.uk/8-bursaries-available-thanks-to-ict-ktn/
22nd October - Mobile Monday Drinks, The Mobile Academy Open House & 25% off tickets to Apps World
Apps World at Earls Court is 22nd-23rd October - 2 days of engagement and debate around the app ecosystem with 8000+attendees , 250+ exhibitors and Steve Wozniak as the keynote.
Conference tickets are 25% off with discount code MOMO25 http://www.apps-world.net/europe
It may be a Tuesday, but there will be a Mobile Monday London drinks reception from 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm on the 22nd, followed by an Open Session at The Mobile Academy featuring Tim Green tutoring on Mobile Payments and Bruce Lawson on HTML5 (what else?!)
Free access to the exhibition, Mobile Monday London drinks reception and The Mobile Academy Open House.
The 10th Annual Meffys
Our friends of at MEF have asked us to point out that they're running the Meffys again this year on November 14th. This time - in a break with past tradition - in San Francisco.
Perhaps they missed the point that we're Mobile Monday London :-) but anyway, please be advised that the details for this event are now posted, and application to win a prestigious Meffy award has been extended to September 23rd (apparently, not Sept 6th as it says on the Web site). Anyway, if it's of interest to win a glittering prize why not apply? It's not cheap, but there is a discounted rate for small businesses, we're told.
Mobile Monday Momentum
And while speaking of San Francisco, our colleagues over in Mobile Monday Silicon Valley asked us to make you aware of the Momentum Accelerator Programme. Application deadline has been extended to September 16th, they say. Check out the programme, and see if a 12 week stint in San Francisco with the chance, they say, of up to USD 0.5M in funding is of interest to you.
That's it for now, looking forward to seeing you on Monday and make sure you register!
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