Sneak Preview Pre-Event Workshop
Our event will, in fact, be two events - and you are most welcome to come to either or both, whichever takes your fancy. There will be a panel session, as usual, starting at 6.30 pm. In addition, starting at 4.30 pm, OS will be giving us a sneak preview of their new OpenSpace SDK and API (Web and iOS - followed by Android).
If you want to come to the preview and you’re a coding type of person, Ordnance Survey tell us that you might want to bring your laptop to follow along with the examples ... I, for one, am looking forward to finding out about the depth of features and the unsurpassed level of detail that 222 years of mapping experience provides - so I’ll be taking a product and commercial perspective.
Panel Session
Following that, as usual, we’ll be holding a panel session with the traditional MoMoLo audience participation-to-the-max! In that session we’ll be looking at opportunities for geolocation and mapping as a complement to apps of various kinds and to a very wide range of sectors: a powerful instrument for lobbying and social change, for big business like insurance and retail and for smaller businesses like restaurants too …
… Old themes and new seem to combine here - we’ve been talking about location, mashups, user generated content and so on for ages - now that real and useful examples have emerged, where is this all going? The much talked about intersection of physical and virtual worlds now seems here, so what are some good examples, what comes next and how does this all relate to the Internet of Things and next generation sensors? How might you choose between many different mapping providers, and what’s the trade off between open and proprietary data? How can we link the different data sets together to make compelling application and service experiences? And now that PRISM has emerged, it’s undoubtedly timely to think about privacy.
To lead us through this rich landscape Gary Gale @vicchi , Director of Global Community Programs for Nokia’s HERE, and a veteran of the mobile and mapping scene will chair our distinguished panel, comprising:
- Christopher Osborne @osbornec, currently at AlertMe, and founder and organiser of GeoMob.
- Ian Holt @IanHolt, Head of Developer Outreach at Ordnance Survey
- Jeni Tennison @JeniT, Technical Director at the Open Data Institute and member of the W3C TAG
- Harry Wood @harry_wood, currently at placr.co.uk and OpenStreetMap volunteer
Location and Registration
As usual the event will take place at the CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point. Please use the entrance at street level. Nearest tube is Tottenham Court Road (Central Line and Northern Line).
Both the Pre-Event workshop and the Panel Session are free to attend, but registration is required and registration is now open at Eventbrite. http://momolo-2013-06-24.eventbrite.com
Sneak Preview Workshop Agenda
4.00 pm Registration
4.30 pm Workshop
5.30 pm Workshop Close, Coffee
Panel Session Agenda
6.00 pm Doors Open
6.30 pm Panel Session chaired by Gary
8.00 pm Networking
9.30 pm Close