In this miscellany: MoMoLo Summer Programme, launch of Capital List (a platform to showcase the best London start-ups to advisors and investors) and call for applicants to Wayra UnLtd (an incubator for social ventures).
Summer Programme
The word "thrilled" is a bit over over-used in my opinion, anyway, I'm going to try it on for size: Now that Summer is here … you did spot that didn't you … we're thrilled to announce our Summer Programme! We've been working with our lovely sponsors to put together a programme of topical events, as follows.
Next Event. June 3, Mobile Marketing: Truth, Misconception and Wishful Thinking

Mobile is the perfect channel for personal engagement, isn't it? So how come it's so hard to find great examples of who is using it effectively? With the help of our wonderful event supporters Infobip and chaired by Alex Meisl of Sponge (former UK Chair at the Mobile Marketing Association, current board member of the Institute for Promotional Marketing) we'll be looking at the facts, the promise and the success factors for mobile as a medium for marketing.
Registration is open at Eventbrite and there are still some places … - oh, and if you've never tried Croatian wine, well, your chance to do so during the networking session that follows!
June 24, Mobile, Mapping, Context …
The UK national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, our venerable supporters for this event, are 222 years old this year. Take a 222 year tradition of excellence in science and graphic design and combine it with modern mobile technology and what do you get? We'll be exploring topics relating to location and other aspects of contextual awareness in our late June event, registration will open mid June.
July 15, Mobile Operating Systems
Just when you thought it was down to a two horse race in the mobile operating system area, along comes a fresh bright crop of new entrants in the field. We love innovation, right? But can we have it without another round of fragmentation, confusion and expense of cross platform development? With the support of our friends over at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, we'll be looking at what the opportunities are for new contenders, and what that means for people commissioning and building mobile products and services.
Capital List Launches
If you were there, you won't have forgotten the excellent presentation and chairing by John Spindler of Capital Enterprise at our March "Finance, Incubators and Accelerators" event. If you weren't there you won't have forgotten it either, unless you think it's possible to forget something you didn't know … metaphysics aside, take it from us, it was brilliant.
John's asked us to promote a new Capital Enterprise platform to showcase the best London start-ups to investors and advisors, called "Capital List" (see what they did?) which is now in private beta at that's double 'l' mind, and if you like domain hacks - like me - you'll be wondering why John didn't pick a .st domain name - John's answer to that is that it's because he isn't like me; fair enough, I suppose). Nonsense aside, John's particularly looking for start-ups and advisors to join the beta. Information is a little scant on the site right now … but it's a great opportunity to get in early - email John at to get on the list.
Wayra UnLtd Call for Applications
Moving from Capital Lists to social venture technology entrepreneurs … you know about the Telefonica's Wayra Academy, I'm sure. Well, even if you don't, Wayra UnLtd has launched with the objective of supporting social ventures in a new incubator. There's a press release [] and you can apply at (not the url given in the press release). Perhaps I shouldn't have told you that, you wouldn't make much of an entrepreneur if you couldn't have found that out for yourself, now, would you?
That is truly enough snippiness and silliness for one miscellany, we'd be thrilled (really) to catch you at the next event, but hurry, places are filling fast ...