14 Nov 2012

MoMoLo 7th Anniversary Annual Roundup UnPanel

It's that time of year again - Mobile Monday London is seven, and as has now become the custom we're going to be looking back over the events of the past year and looking forward to the next. 
What's not quite so traditional is that we are going to do this in the form of an unpanel. That means a panel in which is made up of members of the audience and whose topics are the ones we, the audience, choose. So, bearing in mind that the topic is not really very restrictive we're hoping for a very lively and varied debate.
To help us with the logistics of this, which is a first for us, we would appreciate if you'd drop us a note at contact@mobilemonday.org.uk to let us know that you're keen to take the stage for one of the slots.

6.00 Arrival
6.30 Unpanel
7.45 Networking
9.30 Close
As usual attendance is free, but registration is required and is now open on eventbritehttp://momolondon-2012-11-26-w.eventbrite.com

The CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point, the very tall building immediately above Tottenham Court Road tube station, on the Central and Northern Lines. Please use the entrance at street level under the bridge formed by the building itself.

We are very grateful to our annual sponsors BlackBerry for supporting this event.