This year's conference focuses on Mobile Commerce, NFC payments and the Mobile Web
Details: http://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/H600-23
Register: Use https://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/account/registration/index.php?id=O11C812H6J to attend for £200 instead of the usual £295
Friday 11th November: Power of One, Battersea Power Station
Power of One is a day for developers and entrepreneurs to get together and celebrate how much the individual can achieve in today's tech industry.
Details: http://p0wer0f1.com
Register: http://www.amiando.com/p0wer0f1.html Use code MOMO for a 20% discount on the £99 + VAT fee.
You could get to pitch your company to the assembled crowd http://p0wer0f1.posterous.com/want-to-speak-at-power-of-one
The 10th MEX on the future of mobile user experience. 100 creative thinkers will work together over 2 days focused on 7 curated Pathways, ranging from multi-touchpoint design to new forms of mobile interaction.
Details: http://pmn.co.uk/mex/
Continuing a long tradition of MEX and MoMoLo, individuals and early stage start-ups who wouldn't otherwise have the budget to attend MEX can apply for one of the fully supported MEX Scholarship places. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, 25th October
Scholarship: http://pmn.co.uk/mex/scholarships09m.shtml
Register: http://pmn.co.uk/mex/register.shtml
For the fourth year we're really happy to be hosting the final of this competition on behalf of ICT KTN (http://www.ictktn.org.uk). It will take place on Monday the 31st October at our usual venue - the CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point.
The prizes: Spaces on the UKTI stand at Mobile World Congress 2012. Winners at the London event last year were Masabi, Deltenna and Private Planet.
Twelve companies have been chosen from the initial entries. Each company will have 3 minutes in which to present their ideas (without using PowerPoint) and the judges then have the opportunity to ask questions. The finalists are listed below - some familiar MoMoLo faces among them, good luck to them all!
Timings: Doors open at 6.00 for a 6.30 start, and the competition will consist of lightning pitches by the 12 short listed contestants, followed by a buffet supper and networking.
Registration is free but is required at http://ictktn.co/tinc?key=d95cAHGK&formname=mwc_31_Oct (note this is not the MoMoLo registration Web site!)
6.00 Doors Open
6.30 Competition Starts - Lightning pitches and judges' questions.
8.00 Break for supper, networking and announcement of winners
9.30 Close
Oh, and "Save the Date" - we'll be celebrating being 6 years old on 7th November! Details later ...
Geonovo (Telecare) http://www.geonovo.com
Sub10 Systems (Point to Point Microwave) http://www.sub10systems.com
The Geography Collective's Mission: Explore (Exploration) http://www.thegoegraphycollective.com
TheAppside.com (Business Intelligence) http://www.theappside.com
Teez.me (Physical/Virtual World) http://www.teez.me
Lumi Mobile (Audience interaction) http://www.lumimobile.com
Mobilize (Mobile loyalty card) http://mobilize-systems.com
Carbon Hero's Carbon Diem (Carbon footprint) http://www.carbondiem.com
Apsmart's MPme (App Music) http://apsmart.mobi
Overlay Media’s Context Engine (Context based personalisation) http://www.overlaymedia.com
Mailsuite (Mobile Mail and Data Compression) http://mailsuite.com
Ribot's Threedomphone (Accessibility) http://www.ribot.co.uk
I just spotted this on the global Mobile Monday website and thought I should share with you. The annual Movember campaign is gearing up and Mobile Monday is thrilled to support this fantastically Fun – and – Worthy cause. Check details below and get your training pants on to Grow a Mo in Movember! You can see the full article here http://www.mobilemonday.net/09/2011/mobile-monday-movember-mobro-smiles.html
The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia. The guys behind it joked about 80’s fashion and decided it was time to bring the moustache back. In order to justify their Mos (Australian slang for moustache), they used their new looks to raise money for prostate cancer research… never dreaming that facial hair would ultimately lead to a global movement that would get men talking about a taboo subject – their health.
A Mo Bro starts Movember – the month formerly known as November – clean shaven, and grows a moustache all month long, garnering support from friends and family in the form of donations. What’s more, a Mo Bro is a walking billboard for the cause as his new look opens the door for him to talk about cancers affecting men – making the moustache a symbol, much like the pink ribbon is for breast cancer. Each Movember culminates in a Gala Partè in major cities around the globe where Mo Bros dress up to match their Mo, channelling the likes of Tom Selleck, Gandhi and Ron Burgandy, vying for the ultimate accolade: Man of Movember.
While growing a Mo is left to the guys, Mo Sistas (women who support their guys) form an important part of Movember by recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds and attending Movember events. In the UK, this is Movember United Kingdom – The Prostate Cancer Charity. This is happening all over the world, so check the MoMo Global website for details of your local Movember initiative http://www.mobilemonday.net/09/2011/mobile-monday-movember-mobro-smiles.html.
As a Mo Sista I look forward to supporting the Mo Bros next month - although I’m not so sure I’m looking forward to the accompanying fashions…