4 Dec 2008
Mobile Monday London & Swedish Beers birthday round-up
If you weren't there, you missed a treat. Tim Green, editor of Mobile Entertainment Magazine did a wonderful job in the role of Parky to host our chat show stylee event with guests Dr Mike Short (VP R&D O2 Telefonica), Russell Buckley (MD Europe Admob and Chairman of the Mobile Marketing Association), Madhuban Kumar (Founder, Ereni Partners) and the infamous Bill Thompson from the BBC's digital planet amongst other things. And the mid-way entertainment was provided by the wonderful guys at MIReview. More on that later.
As I was busy organising everything I was in and out of the room so didn't hear the whole thing but since the rooms was packed there were plenty people who did and some of them even wrote about it including Tom Hume, Russell and James Cameron.
And the MIReview guys were fab. They recorded their weekly show live (the first time they've done this) and also did some vox pops at Swedish Beers afterwards. Below are the links to the official segments and the last clip is from Ribot, who recorded the live recording in all its glory so you can see the before and after, effectively.
MIR Show - Week 45 - MoMo London Live from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.
MIR Show - Week 45 - Omar Hamoui, founder of AdMob from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.
MIR Show - Week 45 - Justin Davies, Co-Founder of NinetyTen from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.
Mobile Industry Review invade Mobile Monday London from ribot on Vimeo.
The Swedish Beers party afterwards at Bar 101 was a blast as usual and special thanks has to go to Future of Mobile and MX Telecom for their generosity and support in sponsoring the evening. There were already lots of people waiting for us by the time we got there, which was great. And there were folks there from all areas of the industry and far too many to name check them all - but included Future Platforms, O2, Vodafone, dotmobi, IIR, Carsonified, NinetyTen, Rummble, INQ, Admob, Ereni Partners, IQinc, MX Telecom, Spinvox, Ring Ring, Media, Trutap, Ribot, Fred's Talent, Hai Media, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Six Degrees, Yahoo!, Google, Kizoom, AdIq, NitroMobile, Symbian, Truphone, Nokia, Synchro Arts, Flirtomatic, Mippin, Ericsson, MMA, Splendid Communications, Vertu, MobGeo, Sony Ericsson, Yiibu, and more besides. It was good to see some familiar faces too and have a catch up over a beer and also good to meet some new faces too.
And a *special* thanks to everyone involved in getting this particular show on the road, especially Sevgi, Stephanie, Lisa and Bryan for their support and help on the night.
Update: in case you're interested, quite a few folks blogged about the evening too so feel free to browse the following blog posts.
26 Nov 2008
Mobile Social Software - Platforms and People - December 8th
With the popularity of online social networks, with the rise of mobile access to these networks along with purely mobile social platforms what does all this mean to the users, what aspects will they really uptake and use and how succesful are these platforms likely to be? Monday's event is going to be made up of 2 panels, one representing the industry and one representing the people. We will do another post confirming the lineup before the end of this week.
Mobile Monday London would like to extend our huge thanks to this months sponsors Imperial College London, Future Platforms and ShoZu
The venue will be at Imperial College London's main campus in South Kensington, more information about the building and room to come soon.
6.00pm - Doors open
6.30pm - Welcome from MoMoLondon (Alex Craxton)
6.35pm - User Panel
7.15pm - Industry Panel
8.15pm - Wrap up and reception
MoMoLondon are happy to announce the Alpha of the new web site (hurrah!). Right now we are only going to use the new site for the registration of this event and you can help us get it right before we move everything over. Please register yourself and in turn register for the event (on the home page). Have a browse around the site and add your comments into the forum page. If you find any issues, please add to the forum topics or email me directly at alex@mobilemonday.org.uk
Please treat the site lightly and kindly, sign up for a temporary profile and register yourself on the event ... http://alpha.mobilemonday.org.uk
Time & Place
Event: Monday, 8th December
Starts: Doors open at 6pm with a 6.30pm start
Finishes: Around 8.15pm followed by networking reception
Location: Imperial College London (building and room to be confirmed)
(www.imperial.ac.uk) consistently rated amongst the world's best universities, Imperial College London is a science-based institution with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research.
Future Platforms (www.futureplatforms.com) is a mobile development house which has built a strong reputation in the mobile industry for interface design and technical innovation. They can tackle everything from blue-sky prototyping and concept development to the design and build of complex mobile services and advertising campaigns.
ShoZu (www.shozu.com) means you can share the moment, be it photos or video or a blog. You can send your stuff to friends and family, email or social networks as simply as pressing the button. Try it out today at ShoZu.com!
3 Nov 2008
Swedish Beers & MoMo London Birthday Celebrations
So the format's going to be a little bit different, but we hope you will still enjoy it immensely. So what's in store then...?

Well we have Tim Green, editor of Mobile Entertainment Magazine who is going to be our host with the most on the evening. And he's going to be interviewing four mobile industry celebrities for our delectation, talking about the year just gone and the year ahead and the odd anecdote or three in a chat show stylee. Our esteemed guests are Dr Mike Short from O2, Russell Buckley from Admob, Bill Thompson, a regular from the BBC's Digital Planet plus a mystery guest. There will be time for questions from the audience too.
We will have the MIReview Show joining us too and in the spirit of the evening, they will be presenting and filming some of their show LIVE on stage. (If you don't know them already, think Top Gear but about mobile technology instead of cars.). And we're still hopeful for a surprise or two.
This will all be happening at the CBI at Centrepoint (Tottenham Court Road tube) - Doors opening at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Don't be late, otherwise you'll miss the Mobile Monday Chat Show as it will only be on for about an hour to an hour and half.

Then once the show's a wrap as they say in TV land, we'll move on straight away to Bar 101 (it's underneath Centrepoint at the back) to join the Swedish Beers crew and enjoy some free beer, random chat and general good cheer courtesy of our very generous sponsors - The Future of Mobile and MX Telecom.

There's no formality at Swedish Beers, just turn up, be friendly, drink beer (or soft drinks), chew the fat, talk about mobile stuff (or not) and generally enjoy the vibe. To claim your free drink, you'll need to find one of the generous sponsors, one of the Swedish Beers crew or one of the Mobile Monday organisers to claim your beer token. Without the token, it's a pay bar. But it's open until late, so we can talk mobile nonsense until the wee hours if you like.
If you'd like to come to the Mobile Monday Chat Show, please RSVP here by 'adding record' with your name and company details. No RSVP required for Swedish Beers. You don't have to come to both parts of the evening, but it would be fun if you did. The more the merrier as they say and both venues can hold a lot of us mobile types. So spread the word!
See you Monday 10th November in celebratory mode.
11 Oct 2008
Wednesday October 29 - Final of Mobile World Congress Places Competition
Mobile World Congress – SMEs compete for free places!
Some of the most exciting SMEs do battle in a competition to showcase their products/solutions at the next Mobile World Congress in Barcelona!
The Digital Communications Knowledge Transfer Network (www.dcktn.org.uk) has collaborated with UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) to run a competition for free places for SMEs to showcase a solution or product on the UKTI stand at next year's Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona.
The judges have selected sixteen SMEs which entered the competition to go forward to the next stage and have invited eight companies to each of two events. At each event companies will be given three minutes to make a 'pitch' to a panel of judges made up of two Digital Communications KTN representatives and two UKTI representatives. Each pitch will be given without the use of Powerpoint charts, but otherwise in whatever form the presenter thinks appropriate. At the end of each pitch there will be up to seven minutes for the judges to question the presenter.
At the end of the pitches there will be a buffet supper reception. This will provide an opportunity for all those present to network and, in particular, for the eight companies to say more about their products and solutions using A1 posters that they will be invited to produce and bring with them. These presentations will not form part of the judging process, but are to enable the eight companies to let a wider audience know more about their product or solution. Once the judges have reached their decision, the winners will be announced. The evening will then continue to provide a further opportunity for networking.
Doors open at 6.00 pm for a 6.30 sharp start, at the CBI Conference Centre, Centre Point, Just by Tottenham Court Road Tube station.
Free to attend, registration is required at Yahoo! Groups if you are a member of MobileMonday London, or by email to DCKTN.
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10 Oct 2008
Monday 13 Oct - NFC

NFC - Connecting the Real and Virtual Worlds for Marketing and Media
NFC is one of the hot topics at the moment. We look at how NFC can be used for marketing and media applications, with lessons learned from trials and comparison with other technologies like QR Codes and Bluetooth that might be looked at as competitive or complementary for these applications.
Confirmed speakers include Victoria Richardson from Proxama, Claire Maslen from O2. There will be a panel session followed by the networking reception.
Doors open at 6.00 pm for a 6.30 sharp start, at the CBI Conference Centre, Centre Point, Just by Tottenham Court Road Tube station.
Free to attend, registration is required.
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2 Oct 2008
Announcing the 3rd Annual Mobile 2.0 Event - November 3rd in San Francisco

YES, due to popular demand, we are once again teaming up with MobileMondays Silicon Valley, Barcelona and Helsinki to bring you : Mobile 2.0, a one-day event focusing on new Mobile Applications and Services, the Mobile Web and Disruptive Mobile Innovation.
The event will once again be taking place at the Grand Hyatt off of San Francisco's Union Square.
Don't take our word for it, read about what some others have said about our previous events:
C. Enrique Ortiz
WAP Review
Read/Write Web
This year promises to be even more exciting with participants from across the spectrum: Sprint, Vodafone, Facebook, Myspace, Google, Yahoo, Fjord, Fling Media, Admob, GetJar, Accel, Norwest, Opera, Mozilla. And that's just for starters! See the full announced speaker list on http://mobile2event.com.
We're also trying something slightly different this year: running a "builder track" in the afternoon, along-side our regular track, that will focus on hands-on mobile development, user experience and design.
This year's sponsors include our own Taptu and Mippin as well as the Open Mobile Terminal Platform, Forum Nokia and Access, and the event is being run in partnership with AMF Ventures.
Registration is now open, so reserve your seat today by visiting http://mobile2event.com.
17 Sept 2008
Autumn Schedule Kicks Off
Annie Turner, editor of telecomseurope.net gave us some of her birthday evening to chair the session (thanks Annie!) with panellists Ricardo Varela (Yahoo!), Ben Last (EMCC Software), Simon Rockman (SonyEricsson), Nick Allott (OMTP) and Marko Balabanovic (lastminute.com) offering a range of different (and controversial) perspectives.
Some resulting blog posts:
Simon Judge
Kai Hendry
Ben Matthews
Once again, many thanks to our kind sponsors, Yahoo! and EMCC Software for facilitating the evening.
The calendar for the rest of the year looks like this, the dates are fixed, the topics may be refined:
13th October: NFC
10th November: 3rd Birthday Party, The Year in Review
1st December: Social Networking Revisited
Looking forward to seeing everyone then!
5 Sept 2008
Next Event: Mobile Platforms: Too much choice or Hobson's choice?
Mobile Monday London 15 Sept.
Mobile Platforms: Too much choice or Hobson's choice?A focussed panel discussion
With the growing interest in Ajax and Widgets, and initiatives like BONDI, the choice of development platform has never been greater. How do these technologies play against or with more traditional approaches like installable J2ME and Native Apps.
So where do you put your money for the most reach? Is it possible to adopt one approach or do you need to consider more than one in parallel? What is the most effective way to engage mobile users with new services and applications, now and into the future? What are the relative advantages to each of these hold, both from a technical and a business perspective?
Chaired by Annie Turner (Editor, telecomseurope.net), confirmed panellists are Simon Rockman (SonyEricsson), Nick Allott (OMTP), Marko Balabanovic (lastminute.com), Garry Partington (EMCC) and Ricardo Varela (Yahoo!).
Registration is now open. Please note, you must be a member of the mailing list in order to register for this event.
Venue: CBI Conference Centre at the base of the Centrepoint tower by Tottenham Court Tube.
As usual the event is free; first come, first served. Doors will open at 6pm to start the event at 6.30pm.
20 Jul 2008
July's location event packed out

We also welcomed our friends from around the MoMo globe from countries such as Spain, Germany, Finland, Estonia, USA, Italy and more. It was great to see them all there over a glass of wine (although one person we wont name, pictured, was distracted by our labelling system).
Now rather than write up a huge review of the event, it is better told through our community that attended, so here is a quick list of blogs we have received so far ...
See you all in September.
30 Jun 2008
July 14th - Enabling location in applications
Ted Morgan - CEO of Skyhook Wireless
Ben Ward - Yahoo! Fire Eagle
Charles Wiles - Google Gears
Andrew Scott - Rummble
Justin Davis - Buddy Ping
Mark White - Locatrix
Matt Womer - W3C
We also welcome to London a number of our colleagues from around the Mobile Monday globe as well as a number of other distinguished overseas visitors and we are sure will feel welcome by our MoMoLondon community.
Its going to be a great event, registration is now open - you must be a member of the MoMo London List to register (sign up for the MoMo London List).
Doors open at 1800 for an 1830 start:
CBI Conference Centre (right above Tottenham Court Road tube station on the Northern and Central Lines)
CBI Conference Centre,
Centre Point Tower,
103 New Oxford Street,
London, WC1A 1DU
Google Map
6 Jun 2008
June 2nd Wrap-Up

Thanks to Helen Keegan for chairing a really engrossing panel session, and thanks of course to our panelists, Stephen Pinches from the Financial Times, Matthew Postgate from the BBC, Robert Thurner from Incetivated and Marek Pawlowski from PMN.
Monday's events has been blogged by James Cooper and Ben Matthews - thanks for both of these great write-ups!
Thanks to all who attended and made it such a great event and to our host for the evening, Wireless Foundry!
26 May 2008
June 2nd: Whassup in Mobile Media and Marketing?

Helen Keegan of Beep Marketing will chair the panel and it will feature Stephen Pinches from the Financial Time, Matthew Postgate from the BBC, Robert Thurner from Incetivated and, fresh from leading the successful MEX conference this week, Marek Pawlowski of PMN!
Those details again:
Theme: Whassup in Mobile Media and Marketing?
When: June 2nd (doors open at 6pm as usual)
Where: Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London, EC1Y 8LX, UK
Our kind sponsor: Wireless Foundry!
Registration now open (you must be subscribed to the mailing list to register).
13 May 2008
2 May 2008
Monetisation through Advertising - May 12th event

The May Mobile Monday London event focusses on Monetisation of mobile services through advertising and is kindly sponsored and hosted at the offices at Canary Wharf of Thomson Reuters. The speaker lineup this month is:
- Ray Anderson - Bango
- Shan Henderson - Vodafone
- Claire Valoti - Mindshare
- Russell Buckley - Admob
As always you will need to register yourself with our Yahoo! group before you can register for the event. Doors open at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Hope to see you there.
11 Apr 2008
Presentations from April 7 - Mobile User Experience

The presentations from Monday's MoMo are as follows:
Steve Ives (Taptu) (5 MB PPT)
Scott Weiss (Human Factors International) (3 MB PPT)
Bryan Rieger (Future Platforms) (1.5 MB PDF)
Marek Pawlowski (MEX)
See also the demos of OctoBastard and Phone Fight from Over The Air!
Many thanks again to Taptu for hosting a great evening!
Lastminute.com labs showcase phone fight at MoMoLondon from ribot on Vimeo.
OctoBastard from Future Platforms
27 Mar 2008
April event, registration now open

'Mobile UI, planning through to implementation' is the theme for the MoMoLondon April event. We are kindly sponsored by Taptu and have a great lineup of speakers:
- Steve Ives - CEO Taptu www.taptu.com and m.taptu.com
- Bryan Rieger - Future Platforms Creative director www.futureplatforms.com
- Scott Weiss - Executive Director, EMEA, Human Factors International www.humanfactors.com
- Marek Pawlowski - MEX www.pmn.co.uk/mex/
- Dan Appelquist will be summing up and reviewing the Over the Air developers conference
The event will be held on April 7th, at the CBI Conference Center (just above Tottenham Court Tube station), doors open 6pm with a 6.30pm start as always followed by a drinks reception. You must be a member of the Yahoo group first to register for the event.
9 Mar 2008
Live streaming from QIK for March 10th event
6 Mar 2008
March 10th - Mobile London update
Ian Henderson - TfL
Li-Qun Xu and Ron McArthur - BT
Nick Knowles- Kizoom
Ian Drury - BT
Gary Waite - O2
Phil Derry - TrackaPhone
Nick Norman - Consult Hyperion
Claire Maslen - O2
Davide Mancuso - PA Consulting
Marcus Taylor - Erlang
Stephen Browning - NXP
First of all we would like to thank our co-organisers of the event and venue Transport for London to be held at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden.

Mobile Monday London would like to express our sincere thanks to the sponsors for the evening:

28 Feb 2008
March 10th - Mobile London
11 Feb 2008
Presentations from Feb 4, Mobile Operating Systems

David Wood, Symbian (pdf) (300kB)
Mark Burk, MMetrics (pdf) (5.3MB)
David Pollington, Vodafone (ppt) (1.7MB)
Karsten Homann, Trolltech (ppt) (631kB)
24 Jan 2008
Mobile Operating Systems - 4th Feb

Hosted by Symbian, our first MoMo for 2008 will be on Mobile Operating Systems and will be on Monday 4th Feb at our favourite location, the CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point.
At risk of being howled from the room for using vacuous clichés - is this a tipping point for mobile operating systems? There is a lot happening in this space at the moment, as David Wood says "Suddenly the Smartphone has become Sexy". But isn't this just the time at which details of the underlying operating systems are becoming less important to developers, since Web browsers increasingly support Web applications, or so says my colleague Dan "Ajax" Appelquist
Helping us understand the landscape, where things are going and how to make sense of it all will be speakers from Symbian, Trolltech, Vodafone and MMetrics.
As usual the presentations will be followed by a lively panel debate (well that depends on you, the audience, of course) followed by networking and conversation afterwards.
Registration will open on Monday 28th Jan at 2.00 pm. Details will be announced on the list when the registration opens. The event will start at 6.30 pm sharp.
We are very grateful to Symbian for supporting this event - see you there!
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