Our next event will run on January 15th and will feature a panel discussion on the state of innovation and start-ups (particularly mobile start-ups). Additionally, we will feature a number of demos from start-ups and hopefully allow the attendees to select Mobile Monday London's entrant into the Global Peer Awards at 3GSM.
Confirmed panelists so far are Sam Sethi (of Vecosys) and Madhuban Kumar (Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures). More info to follow in the new year.
The location is still under discussion but will be somewhere in central London.
22 Dec 2006
20 Dec 2006
Mobile Monday @ 3GSM

And of course this will be a great chance to network and to celebrate the diverse Mobile Monday global community!
Visit http://peerawards.mobilemonday.net/ for more information and to register. You MUST register for this event in order to attend, but admission is free (in accordance with Mobile Monday principles). Space is limited so register soon if you plan to attend.
12 Dec 2006
Another Successful MoMo Networking Social
Hey! We might be getting good at this! Yesterday's event on mobile social networking, hosted by Skype and arranged by our own inimitable Stuart John, was a huge success! We heard from industry experts from all strata on the future of social networks on the mobile. We saw some new and established mobile social networks in action. We came, we saw, we networked. All in all, not a bad way to spend an evening. Thanks to our speakers and thanks to Skype for hosting!
Next event will be on the 15th of January. Watch this space for details.
Next event will be on the 15th of January. Watch this space for details.
22 Nov 2006
MoMo London December 11th

Our 11th December meeting will be held at Skype's London office at 2 Stephen Street, London W1T 1AN (map). As always, doors will open at 6pm and we will get the event going by 6.30pm. The networking reception will start around 8pm.
The theme for the evening will be 'Mobile Social Networking' and we have a great lineup of speakers from companies that are enabling amazing online and mobile communities, along with some great demos.
Update: Speakers include Martin Monteiro and Jonathan Lutz from H3G UK on See Me TV, Stephen Johnston from Nokia Corporate Strategy and Sean Kane from Intercasting Corp. Demos include Pitch TV, SoonR, pinppl and Marmot Technologies.
Update: Registration is now closed and our wait list is oversubscribed. If you have not already signed up to our registration database then unfortunately you will not be able to attend this month. We do get a few cancellations and we will contact all registered attendees before the event to confirm. Please do sign up to our Yahoo! mailing list to join in the discussion and to register for future events.
Thank you and see you on the 11th of December! that's 11th December!
Stuart John
Product Manager
Skype Mobile
17 Oct 2006
Mobile Monday London November

Mobile Monday London's 1st anniversary event will be held on the 6th of November hosted at Google. As always doors will open at 6pm and we will get the event going by 6.30pm and we will try and jam everything in before the networking reception at 8pm.
The theme for November will be 'Mobile Trends' which will take a view of where we have come from over the last year and where we are going into the next year. We have carefully selected our speakers from well known bloggers in the mobile industry, namely Helen Keegan , Tom Hume and Ajit Jaokar. Plus we have Paul Goode from M:Metrics backing up (or not) these trends with some statistics gathered over the last year.
Registration is now open at database.
See you in November!
7 Oct 2006
Mobile Monday 11
Last Monday's MoMo - kindly sponsored by Bango - attracted around 120 people to the extremely comfortable CBI Conference Centre at London's iconic Centre Point .
We've had fantastic feedback on the event which stimulated a lively Q and A - described by some as "controversial"!
Many thanks indeed to our speakers Ray Anderson from Bango, Barbara Ballard from Little Springs Design, Jan Standal from Opera, Ed Moore from WiderWeb, Amod Dadhich from Jataayu and Richard Marshall from Rapid Mobile Media.
We'll shortly be announcing the details of MoMo 12 - our first birthday - or if you are in San Francisco, you should visit Mobile2.0 as posted by Dan below.
See you all next month.
We've had fantastic feedback on the event which stimulated a lively Q and A - described by some as "controversial"!
Many thanks indeed to our speakers Ray Anderson from Bango, Barbara Ballard from Little Springs Design, Jan Standal from Opera, Ed Moore from WiderWeb, Amod Dadhich from Jataayu and Richard Marshall from Rapid Mobile Media.
We'll shortly be announcing the details of MoMo 12 - our first birthday - or if you are in San Francisco, you should visit Mobile2.0 as posted by Dan below.
See you all next month.
6 Oct 2006

Mobile Monday Silicon Valley and Mobile Monday London are jointly organizing an event, Mobile2.0, on November 6th in San Francisco, focusing on topics like the growth of the mobile Web / mobile Internet, open services, media sharing on the mobile, mobile widgets, mobile Ajax, content adaptation and disruptive innovations in the mobile space. Peter Vesterbacka, the creator of Mobile Monday Helsinki, will be running a segment called "Mobile Launch Pad" where we will showcase small company innovation in the Mobile Space.
It'll be a day-long event, held at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco (near Union Square), starting with breakfast at 8:30 and ending with a reception at the hotel. We have a star line-up of speakers and panellists for the event from all sectors of the industry.
If you're interested in finding out more about the future of the Mobile platform then I urge you to register for the event and join us in San Francisco on the 6th!
20 Sept 2006
MoMo London October 2nd - The Real Mobile Web

October's sponsors are Bango.
Ray Anderson from Bango will be speaking as well as Barbara Ballard from Little Springs Design and Jan Standal from Opera. There will be demos from Ed Moore from WiderWeb, Vinay Philip Mathew from Jataayu and Richard Marshall from Rapid Mobile Media.
The event will take place at the CBI Conference Centre at Centre Point. Doors open at 1800 for an 1830 start. Visit the MoMo London YahooGroup to register for the event.
24 Aug 2006
4th of September: Mobile Advertising

9 Aug 2006
August Mini-Event a Great Success

Stay tuned for details on our next event on Mobile Advertising on September 4th in cooperation with the Mobile Marketing Association.
29 Jul 2006
August networking event
August will see Mobile Monday London take a slight summer break. But rather than shut up shop for a month we thought we would organise a networking event at a pub/bar in central London. As always this represents an opportunity to meet and greet thought leaders in the mobile industry. The venue will be decided once we have a rough idea of the number of attendees. Please register yourself for MoMoLondon and the network event at our web site. We are also looking for a sponsor for the evening, if you wish to sponsor and host this or future events please contact the organisers.
16 Jul 2006
Podcasts for the funding event.
The podcasts from the July event on Funding are now online and ready for download.
4 Jul 2006
MoMo London 3 July
We did it! Last night, we ran our 9th consecutive Mobile Monday London event, and it was our most ambitious to date. 130+ mobile industry professionals packed the room that our gracious host 3i provided (they had to bring in extra seats). The topic for the night was funding - how do you get it, when do you get it, what most excites VCs. Paul Cooper put together and MC'd this even with great aplomb. Many thanks to Paul, our 5 presenting companies (Weeworld, ActiveMedia Technology, Otodio, RedBend and Zzizzl Films) and to our VC panellists for a great event. And special congratulations to our prizer winner as selected by the panellists, Zzizzl Films, who walked out the door with a cheque for £1000!
12 Jun 2006
The podcasts from the June event on Mobile Enterprise are now online and ready for download.
9 Jun 2006
June MoMo London Epilogue
Another month, another fantastic MoMo! Thanks so much to our host, Sun, and to our speakers, Adrian Johns from Sun, David Birch from Consult Hyperion and David Wood from Symbian. We tackled a difficult topic this month, The Mobile Enterprise, from some interesting and surprising angles. Watch out for the podcast, available soon, or subscribe to the podcast feed by for audio (mp3), Quicktime movie or 3gpp format movie. And keep a watch here for announcements about our next meeting, scheduled for the 3rd of July where the topic will be one close to all of our hearts: funding. More soon!
30 May 2006
Mobile Monday Means Business in June
The next Mobile Monday London event, to be held June 5th, will focus on "The Mobile Enterprise." Our sponsor / host for this event will be Sun Microsystems and we're going to hear from Sun, as well as from Symbian and Consult Hyperion on a range of topics around the use of mobile technology inside the enterprise. We'll also be getting some exciting demos from 3G Doctors, Bluetrail and Red Oxygen. Registration closes on Friday so If you're interested in attending, please add yourself to the list now (you must be a member of the Yahoo! group first, where you'll also find details on the venue). See you Monday!
19 May 2006
Mobile User Experience ... a good experience!

The speakers this month were Michel Quazza (CEO SurfKitchen), Samuel Sweet (Director of Sales and Marketing for Ikivo) and Dr Rachel Jones (founder of Instrata) plus a demonstration of a low rate call solution from Nick Hanncock (of Intelli-Call Ltd). The presentations covered the various areas of user experience from building mobile web sites, using applications installed on to the phones, the technologies and standards that aid the user experience and looking at the whole experience from the users perspective.
The podcast will be available soon on this link along with the podcasts from the previous 3 events (thanks to Paul Cooper and Tom Hunt for recording, editing and hosting these). Pictures have already been posted up to flickr and I think there are more to come.
One thing near the start of the meeting that could have gone soooo wrong was a live video call from Dan Appelquist at the Global Mobile Monday Summit in Helsinki ... I hope this comes out well on the podcast :) Congratulations to Andy Tiller and all at Cognima for coming 3rd in the global peer awards for Shozu.
Thanks to everyone who came along, more will be posted about the up coming events here soon.
21 Apr 2006
surfkitchen to Host Next MoMo London Event on 8 May
Mark your calendars. surfkitchen will host the next Mobile Monday Lonon event on 8 May. The theme will be "Mobile User Experience" and will feature speakers from surfkitchen and Ikivo plus exciting demos from the London mobile community. Register for the event (you must be a member of the Yahoo! Group to access this link). More details soon!
11 Apr 2006
Podcasts for April Online!
The podcasts from our April event on Mobile Web 2.0 are now online and ready for download. Check out what our speakers and panelists had to say about this hot topic!
4 Apr 2006
Mobile Monday London: One Half Year in Operation

What's next up for Mobile Monday London? On May 8th, the theme will be Mobile User Experience. Interested? Join the mailing list to find out more and participate in the vibrant MoMo London community.
1 Apr 2006
Mobile Monday London 3 April: Mobile Web 2.0
Our theme for this coming meeting on 3 April (kindly sponsored by AOL) will be "Mobile Web 2.0." What does it mean? Who is doing it and why? We'll hear from Tony Fish of AMF Ventures and Chris Locke of AOL followed by an interactive panel discussion featuring Steve Devo and Gautam Hazari from Vodaofne, Sarah Blow and Mark Wilce from Cognima (the makers of Shozu). For more info and to register for the event, join the Yahoo! group. See you Monday!
17 Mar 2006
Podcasts Available!
After lots of blood, sweat and tears we finally have podcasts available of the last two events as produced by our friends at Clarity Capital Partners (and sponsored by Reporo). So for those of you who have wondered what you've been missing, here's your chance to experience Mobile Monday London in all its glory and for those of you who attended the events, here's your chance to re-live them, balky projection equipment and all.
Go to http://momo.claritycp.com. The podcasts are available in mp3 (audio), mov and 3pg (video) file formats so download away. There are also links to the RSS feeds for each of the podcasts. This will all be integrated into the redesigned site when we get that up and running so expect all these URLs to change in the near future.
Go to http://momo.claritycp.com. The podcasts are available in mp3 (audio), mov and 3pg (video) file formats so download away. There are also links to the RSS feeds for each of the podcasts. This will all be integrated into the redesigned site when we get that up and running so expect all these URLs to change in the near future.
7 Mar 2006
MoMo London March
Monday the 6th March was the first Mobile Monday London Demo Night kindly sponsored by Volantis and held at BAFTA in Piccadilly.
Around 150 people attended the event and saw demos from:
* Cognima,
* Discovery Networks,
* Ebay,
* IncredibleInc!,
* iTagg,
* m-spatial,
* Skype
* Volantis
Check out the MoMo London Yahoo! group for discussions about the event and some follow up material.
Around 150 people attended the event and saw demos from:
* Cognima,
* Discovery Networks,
* Ebay,
* IncredibleInc!,
* iTagg,
* m-spatial,
* Skype
* Volantis
Check out the MoMo London Yahoo! group for discussions about the event and some follow up material.
9 Feb 2006
MoMoLondon February at Google, biggest yet

The theme for the evening was 'Value and Payments' and the speakers were Shannon Maher from Google, Margaret Gold from Luup, Jeremy Flynn from Vodafone and Richard Watney from Reporo.
Soon we will have a podcast of the evening provided by Brand Fuel Ltd. Plans are being put in place for the next meeting, hosted by Volantis at BAFTA as we speak.
23 Jan 2006
February Mobile Monday Speakers Confirmed!
Mobile Monday London will hold its fourth event this February 6th at Google's offices in London. Confirmed speakers are Shannon Maher from Google, Margaret Gold from Luup, Simon Cavill from Mi-Pay and Jeremy Flynn from Vodafone. With a theme of "Value and Payment," this event should prove to be our best yet. Join the Yahoo! Group to register for the event and find out more.
10 Jan 2006
Three, three, THREE times the Mobile Monday!

We did it again! Mobile Monday London held its third event last night, January 9th, at Yahoo!'s offices in central London and once again we have packed a room (110+) with a broad spectrum of mobile industry participants. Thanks to our speakers: Christian Lindholm, Matt Millar and Antoine Quint and thanks to Yahoo! for being such a great host!
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